Ultrasonic tooth cleaning
The scaling, NHI for remove dental calculi part. billige brudekjoler Cause gingivitis, periodontal disease caused by the accumulation of dental plaque and dental calculus easier. Therefore, the removal of dental calculus is a medical practice. Course while in treatment, the tooth neck, and the adjacent surface of the stones removed, and teeth whitening.

Dental sandblasted
By water, air, and particles consisting of dental sandblasting PROCESSING Air-Powder System, may be on the tooth surface, all of the stained clean. Including the pits on the surface of the teeth at the trench at and adjacent surface at. It uses sodium bicarbonate particles.
The above method: remove attached on the surface of the teeth, plaque, tartar, and dyeing, and restore the teeth the original color, and clean whitening effect. If you change the color of the texture of the tooth itself, I am afraid that is necessary to use oxidation Gas drugs, in order to achieve the effect of teeth whitening.
Intestinal cup plus paste polish
This is the traditional way of teeth whitening. Paste with prophylaxis was paste Dispatched. It can get rid of the the teeth smooth surface staining. The teeth to restore the true nature. However, in the pit, the staining of the grooves, abutment surfaces, it is no way cleared.
Activated tooth bleaching
By individual teeth bleaching denture, placed in 10% carbonate, hydrogen peroxide, and sets it firmly in the teeth. With the growth of drug action time, the color of the teeth will gradually fades white. Its advantages are: the patients themselves at home. Patients can decide to bleach the teeth. The number of times to be bleached, each bleaching time. And the end of the full course of treatment, the time of the stop. Its disadvantages are: the longer course of treatment, about two weeks time, in order to achieve the desired whitening effect of general patients. In addition, the drug itself to the teeth, soft tissue How much have injuries. Best under the guidance of a dentist to do better.